How to Prepare for Autumn and Winter Like a Pro

As you all know, autumn is coming up on us quick. Then there is winter. This post will be all about preparing.

  • You need to be drinking lots of water. That is something that is hard for me, I always forget. So start out by setting a goal. Maybe four cups of water (at the least!) a day. Set a reminder or alarm on your phone to help you remember. Then add a cup or half cup to what you're drinking each day. Find a nice water bottle that you like to make sure you enjoy drinking out of it. 

  • Always carry chapstick!!! Wether it's in a purse, your pocket, or somewhere. It is so helpful when your lips are dry and cracking from the winter time! 

  • Dress warmly. Yes yes, summer is coming to an end. No more hot weather, at least where I live. At Target and Kohl's they have a ton of cute winter clothes. Later this month I will be posting a lookbook, where I post lots of outfit ideas for the season. 
  • Pumpkin Spice Everything. Get ready for the most basic of the basic, the one and only pumpkin spice latte. For me, fall means buying pumpkin spice scented candles, soap, and lotion. It really is an autumn necessity. 
  • Get ready to steal your brother's/boyfriend's/friend's sweatshirt. Don't deny it. It's the number one perk of the cold seasons.
  • Pretend you know what the heck is going on in the football games when you're actually just there for the game day food.  Just me? Okay.
  • Last but not least, make sure to get ready for Halloween in November and Christmas in October. Don't hate me for this one!!
Marble Patterned Cheap Water Bottle


  1. "Pretend you know what the heck is going on...just there for the game day food." Yessss. Me. <3


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